Clean the Tools: After each use, make sure to clean the garden tools thoroughly to remove any soil, debris, or moisture. Use a brush or cloth to wipe them clean.
Dry Thoroughly: After cleaning, dry the tools thoroughly to remove any remaining moisture. You can use a towel or let them air dry before storing them.
Apply Oil: Applying a thin layer of oil on the metal parts of the tools can help prevent rust. You can use mineral oil, vegetable oil, or specific tool lubricants for this purpose.
Store Properly: Store the garden tools in a dry environment. If possible, hang them on a rack or store them in a shed or garage to protect them from moisture.
Use Silica Gel Packs: Placing silica gel packs in the tool storage area can help absorb excess moisture and prevent rust.
Keep Handles Dry: For tools with wooden handles, ensure that the handles remain dry to prevent the wood from rotting and causing rust on metal parts.
By following these preventive measures, you can help protect your garden tools from rust and prolong their lifespan.